Wednesday 14 January 2015

What is a Spiritual Mind Circle?

You may have heard of a fairly recent addition to our ongoing community events - the Spiritual Mind Circle.

Spiritual Mind Circles are an initiative that was started at the international level with Centers for Spiritual Living. You can read more about it on their website.

The Kelowna Circle was started in July 2014 by Reverend Lesley McNamara.

Essentially the purpose of this group is to offer an opportunity to discuss spiritual principles in a relaxed environment. In this case, we meet at 5 pm on Tuesdays at the Bean Scene in Capri Mall.

The group discusses an article from the Science of Mind Magazine. The conversation is very interesting and engaging as it pertains to real life issues with a spiritual perspective. Here is a little snippet of one of the topics from Rev. Lesley:

"Ever experienced hunger in your life? Surprisingly, several of our members spoke of a time in their lives where they were hungry and were having struggles getting enough food. That meeting was powerful and reminded each of us there that can hunger affect anyone. 

We had read an article on Jeff Bridges and his passion to end hunger. The conversation morphed into a deep sharing of our individual experiences with hunger. AND … don’t you love how Spirit orchestrates life, that session was the week before the start of the Thanksgiving Food Drive! 

All I can say is WOW… I am so humbled by the depth of sharing each week, as we join together to share, laugh, and each evolve our consciousness together. This group is open to anyone wanting a Spiritual uplift."

This is a great group for anyone who might want the opportunity to chat about spirituality in a very safe and friendly environment. Come and check it out!

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