Thursday, 29 January 2015

A Season of Peace and Non-Violence

I am so passionate about people. I love ‘em and embrace ‘em! As the facilitator of the Community Outreach Portfolio at CSL Kelowna, I knew I wanted to build a great sense of connectedness for our members, while being “seen” in the greater Kelowna area. I know we have tools and a way of thinking that transforms lives. What could be more relevant than promoting PEACE in our city? The Season of Non-Violence has been around for 18 years now and it’s time it came to Kelowna. Peace begins within and we know how to create a beautiful space for people to experience the Peace that passes all understanding.
Our group of Peace Champs is so excited to offer five events that every one of us can participate in and we can invite our family, friends, and co-workers.  

JANUARY 30TH – Peace Meditation – 6:30 pm Pandosy Peace Centre
FEBRUARY 20TH – Peace Movie Night – 7:00 pm UBCO
MARCH 15TH – Peace Workshop – 1 – 4 pm Pandosy Peace Centre
MARCH 26TH – Coffee House Sing along – 7 pm Bean Scene Coffee on Bernard Avenue
APRIL 4TH – Peace Rocks Walk – location to be determined

How Fun and Easy is that? 
“Be the Change you wish to See” Gandhi

Community * Light * Relevance * Transformation * Fun * Easy

Rev. Lesley McNamara

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Living My Life Purpose - The second unit of this powerful course starts this Wednesday

Rev. Val Benedict shares her gift of spiritual practice

After attending the Living My Life Purpose retreat my life has been changed. I don't mean so much in the physical sense, but a deep, inside way. My spiritual practices have been strengthened and deepened in a way I always wanted but didn't know how to accomplish. I now have tools to continue my journey and know I can use them at anytime to release the doubts and fears as they come up in my life. The inner peace and confidence that I left the retreat with is my grace and brings me great joy.
It gives me pleasure to be able to share these tools with my Centre. I love being a contagious example of how to be open and allow the deepening of faith in my spiritual family.
I am offering this class on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 9:00 at the Pandosy Peace Centre. This is a course that is set up in two week units, so you can make a 2 week commitment at a time. All of the information can be picked up at the time you join. The investment is $50.00 for each 2 week unit. 
Blessings - Rev. Val Benedict

Monday, 19 January 2015

Empowering Women and a Culture of Non-Violence Right Here at Home

Kelowna has been in the news recently. And not necessarily in a positive light. Castanet's headline read "Domestic Violence Capital of BC".

Ouch! That is not something to be proud of. In fairness, the article goes on to suggest that these statistics may not mean that Kelowna has a higher rate of domestic violence but it may suggest that more of the domestic violence here is reported than in other communities.

Either way, I pause and I take a moment to envision a world where there is no such thing as domestic violence. Where there is peace within each person, there is peace within each family, and there is loving support for families in every community.

It is very timely that there is a new group starting within the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. The group is called "A New Beginning" and it is being facilitated by one of our newly licensed ministers Reverend Corina Scherer. The purpose of this group is to create a safe and supportive environment for women to become empowered and to reconnect with the divine essence within them.

I am very excited about this new group because I think it strikes right at the core of what our new thought spiritual community is all about. We are all about helping each other to remember that there is a Divine Light within us. We are all about creating a healing and empowering space for people.

Rev. Corina's own story is one of not only surviving but thriving. With the help of supportive friends she escaped an abusive marriage and started on her own journey of healing and empowerment. This journey led her all the way into ministry and she is now holding the space for others.

In her own words "I learned that I wasn’t alone.  There were people that wanted to help me succeed.  I learned about unconditional love and friendship.  I learned that I had choices and was the creator of my own experiences.  I was a victor, not a victim.  I was able to change my thinking, and as a result, change my life.  I want to help others learn that life is for living and that happiness is already within each and every one of us.  There is always a solution to every situation.  There are principles and tools available to help us connect and be positive, and to heal, 
and to find peace".

"A New Beginning" Women's circle starts this Friday January 23 at 5 pm at the Pandosy Peace Centre. It will be held on the 4th Friday of every month. If you, or someone you know, could use some support in making changes in your own life, please join Rev. Corina. You can contact Corina directly at for more information.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

What is a Spiritual Mind Circle?

You may have heard of a fairly recent addition to our ongoing community events - the Spiritual Mind Circle.

Spiritual Mind Circles are an initiative that was started at the international level with Centers for Spiritual Living. You can read more about it on their website.

The Kelowna Circle was started in July 2014 by Reverend Lesley McNamara.

Essentially the purpose of this group is to offer an opportunity to discuss spiritual principles in a relaxed environment. In this case, we meet at 5 pm on Tuesdays at the Bean Scene in Capri Mall.

The group discusses an article from the Science of Mind Magazine. The conversation is very interesting and engaging as it pertains to real life issues with a spiritual perspective. Here is a little snippet of one of the topics from Rev. Lesley:

"Ever experienced hunger in your life? Surprisingly, several of our members spoke of a time in their lives where they were hungry and were having struggles getting enough food. That meeting was powerful and reminded each of us there that can hunger affect anyone. 

We had read an article on Jeff Bridges and his passion to end hunger. The conversation morphed into a deep sharing of our individual experiences with hunger. AND … don’t you love how Spirit orchestrates life, that session was the week before the start of the Thanksgiving Food Drive! 

All I can say is WOW… I am so humbled by the depth of sharing each week, as we join together to share, laugh, and each evolve our consciousness together. This group is open to anyone wanting a Spiritual uplift."

This is a great group for anyone who might want the opportunity to chat about spirituality in a very safe and friendly environment. Come and check it out!

Friday, 9 January 2015

Ring in the New - New Year's Intention

Drs Kenn and Deborah join together to support us in setting our intention for the year to come. If you haven't spent some time picturing yourself, your life and the experience you would like to have in 2015 then you will definitely want to watch this talk. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and let Kenn and Deb take you on a journey to explore the desires of your higher self.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

It's all About the Practice...

The Spiritual Practice that is.

Remember that tomorrow during our Sunday Celebration we will be completing the process of bringing in the new for 2015.

I know that for myself, my spiritual practice is one of the most important priorities in my life. If I let that slip everything else quickly falls out of balance.

If you would like to bring some more spiritual practice into your life this year, then consider taking Rev. Val's course - Living My Life Purpose.

Reverend Val Benedict is a newly licensed minister. She has been doing some specialized training in different spiritual practice techniques. She is excited to share these techniques with others.

Val has been leading the Board of Trustees in spiritual practice at our board meetings and I can say without hesitation that these have been powerful experiences for me.

Contact Rev Val at to find out more about this class.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year! 2015 is the year for 'Building a Healing Consciousness'

Building a Healing Consciousness - Centre for Spiritual Living Course - Starting January 2015And we have just the class for that - starting on January 12th at 7 pm.

Revs. Corinne Crockett and Jeanette Vinek will be facilitating "Building a Healing Consciousness". This course is one of the foundational classes in the first year Science of Mind curriculum. Based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes, students deepen their understanding and practice of spiritual laws.

Building a healing consciousness is an inside job. As someone who has spent many years trying to change the conditions in my life on the outside, I recognize the value of learning and using these transformational tools. Life really does get better. And the good news is that it is not hard work. Changing things on the outside is like pushing a boulder up a hill. It is exhausting. Changing our lives by setting intention in mind and then taking inspired action is exhilarating.

I also can't say enough about these beautiful facilitators. Both of them are experienced educators. They are also good friends so their work together is seamless. And just spend 5 minutes in a room with them. They exude a peace and grace that creates a loving and safe environment to explore, to grow, and to express.

In Corinne's own words here's is a little more about this class:

The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna offers practical courses in the use of the creative power that resides in each and every one of us. When we hone our skill at directing our thoughts and aligning with our inner divinity we create the life of our dreams. Using intention, meditation, gratitude and prayer we can change our minds, we can change our lives and we can change the world we live in."I am so grateful for this teaching, and only wish I had found it earlier in my life.  It really holds the keys to living the life we desire.  It is amazing to recognize so many spiritual truths and keys within one teaching!  

It is so exciting facilitating Building a Healing Consciousness, as we explore and discover, even more deeply, the power of our thought in the awakening, enrichment, and expansion of our individual consciousness.  As we, together,  enter into Building a healing Consciousness, students vision for a better world, and deepen their understanding of the impact of changing old beliefs and thought patterns.  Students have the opportunity to open fully to being all we are meant to be and further transforming their lives.  It is so inspiring to be part of a course and process in which students begin to live their personal vision of a better world. 

Watching students light up as they grasp the principles and seeing the difference in their eyes, and in their lives is a delight!  As a teacher, I feel so blessed to be part of this process of sharing and exploring these powerful tools."

Email to find out more about this class.