Monday 13 August 2018

Save the date

October 19th

Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna 

25th Anniversary Gala

at the Coast Capri Hotel
Early Bird Ticket price $100
On sale from September 2nd until September 9th

Monday 21 May 2018

Save the date

Join us July 1st to celebrate the commitment, the service and the consciousness of these 4 amazing women in their ordination ceremony.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Quick Start Workshop coming April 28th

Do you love attending the CSL Kelowna Sunday Celebration but sometimes you don't fully understand what the speaker is saying? Do you find that the terms used are confusing?

Do you want to learn more about how to use spiritual tools to create the life you want?

Are you fairly new to the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna Community and you want to learn the basics of the teaching?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions then this workshop is for you...

Join Revs Diane Hockey and Corinne Crockett for:


April 28th 10 am - 4:30 pm
Pandosy Peace Centre
2490 Pandosy Street

By Donation

Monday 2 April 2018

Community Peace Meditation - 2018 Season for Nonviolence

Community Peace Meditation

Join us on April 4th from 6pm - 7pm 

at the 

Summerhill Pyramid Winery

for the final event in the 

Season for Nonviolence

This powerful meditation will be held in the pyramid at the winery. Coffee and tea to follow.

Monday 19 March 2018

Wednesday 7 March 2018

It's that time of year again!!

Join us on :

March 18th 1:00pm 
Pandosy Peace Centre
for our Annual General Meeting

Come and hear about the business affairs of the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna.

Make sure you have signed up for membership so that your voice can be heard. All are welcome to attend.

AGM Agenda:
  1. Call Meeting to Order  - Rev. Corinne Crockett
  2. Opening Treatment -  Dr. Deb Gordon
  3. Quorum - Sergeant at Arms:  Barry Spring
  4. 2017 AGM Minutes - Rev. Corinne Crockett
  5. Introduction of current Board of Trustees:  Rev. Corinne Crockett
  6. Pledge to CSL
  7. Financial Report:  Derek Hinchliffe
  8. BC Societies Act - Derek Hinchliffe       
  9. Nominating Committee: - Amanda Pope - Nomination &  Election of New Officers 
  10. Presentation of 2018 - 2019 Board of Trustees for CSL Kelowna 
  11. President's Report - Rev. Corinne Crockett
  12. Minister's Report - Dr. Deb Gordon
  13. Spiritual Leader's Address -  Dr. Kenn Gordon
  14. Education Report - Rev. Jeanette Vinek (video from Ghana)
  15. VIBE Update - Joanne Miles
  16. Membership:  A New Vision - Rev. Gwen Smith & Dr. Deb Gordon
  17. Closing Comments and General Discussion -   Dr. Deb Gordon
  18. Closing Treatment -   Dr. Deb Gordon
  19. Adjournment

Thursday 25 January 2018

20th Global Season for Peace and Nonviolence

20 years of inspiring individual and community action for attaining peace and justice in the spirit of Mohandas Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. 

Find out more about the Season for Nonviolence here 

Download the daily practices brochure here

Kelowna Event Program

4th   1:00–4:00pm
Creative Workshop: Designing your own Story Stick/Honouring your Journey
w/Nadene Rogers 

10th  1:00–4:00pm  
COMMUNITY STORY CIRCLE:   Embracing our Diversity and Commonalities
w/Jan Ianucci  

11th  1:00–4:00pm
Movie and Discussion: “Keepers of the Light”
w/Gwen Smith

24th  10:00–12:00pm
Saturday Salon: Conscious Sage-ing/Peaceful Age-ing
w/Diane Hockey 

25th  1:00-3:00pm
Workshop: Family Violence-Awareness 
w/Kelly Batchilder 

1st  7:00–9:00pm
Workshop: Dissolving our Defences 
w/Nadene Rogers

11th  1:00–3:00pm
Workshop: Dancing With Difficult People 
w/Nadene Rogers

14th  7:00–9:00pm
Creative Workshop: Vision Boarding for Personal & Global Peace
w/Melody Bailey

23rd  6:30–8:30pm
Workshop: Calming the Body - Nourishing the Mind
w/Maureen Phillips

25th  1:00–3:00pm
Stuart Park

3rd  6:30–8:30pm 
Workshop: Making Peace with our Shadow Self 
w/Nadene Rogers

4th  6:00 –7:00pm
Summerhill Winery in the Pyramid

All Public Events and Programs are being held at The Pandosy Peace Centre (unless otherwise stated) at 2490 Pandosy St. (corner of Morrison)

Love Offerings are appreciated.

For more information and updates please visit our Facebook Page @2018SNVKelowna