Here's what people have been saying about the weekend:
The beautiful and talented Tanya Lipscomb said "I "checked out" to CHECK IN with powerful connection and celebration. I am truly blessed to have been part of the musical team at the 2017 Canadian New Thought Conference in Kelowna this past weekend. I met some spectacular musicians and we shared magical moments on a stage set alight with LOVE!
Nick said "Amy Bishop has a true gift for communicating through music. I'm trying to imagine a world where all of us let our light shine in the same way, by doing what we do."
Angela said "So amazing, what a blessing this weekend was....sharing....
The very wise and lovely Reverend Karin Wilson said "My mind is expanded beyond the beyond!!!!! Thank you to all those incredible beautiful amazing talented heart-connected angels - all genders all colours all faiths all sexualities - all of the all - who made the 10th Annual Canadian New Thought Conference Kelowna real and transformative for so many!! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!"
The very funny Dr Pat Campbell said "What a day at the Canadian New Thought Conference in Kelowna. Out of the many wonderful speakers, workshops, and music, I think my favorite thing was the medley of Canadian rock songs the band did tonight."
Sue said "There WAS quite enough love for all the world...incredible vibe "
Rev Jaine Ryder said "I am also resonating with the true beauty and connection of this event. It was so very heart-focused and anchored in music and the opportunities to connect one on one with each other were obvious. What a gift!"
The iconic Dr. Arleen Bump said "Your music team was one of the best I've ever heard and I applaud the commitment, work and dedication that was put into their preparation. The results were heart filling!"
Check out the Facebook page for many more photos and comments
Such an enormous thank you to all the hard working volunteers who helped to make this event so spectacular !! We could not have done it without you.
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