Wednesday 27 May 2015

Christy Snow is coming back to CSL Kelowna.

Christy Snow will be coming back to share her wisdom, her beautiful music, and her beautiful presence with us. She will be holding a couple of workshops at the Peace Centre. See below for more information. 

Workshop – June 7 & 14, 2015
Living From Your YES Workshop (part 1 & 2)!
This two part workshop will take place Sundays June 7th and June 14th following service from 1:00-3:30pm. The workshop is offered individually or together. This means that you are welcome even if you can only attend one Sunday; however the material will build and therefore you will receive the maximum benefit from this material by attending both. The cost for this spiritual investment is $45 per workshop or $80 for both when paid on or before June 7th.

Part 1 (June 7th) is focused on identifying and solidifying your Passion, Purpose and Individual Expression.

Part 2 (June 14th) will concentrate on making significant shifts in your life regarding Money and Relationships.

Living From Your YES – Part 1
Part 1 is focused on identifying and solidifying your Passion, Purpose and Individual Expression.

What is your “WHY?”
You make decisions every day, are they conscious, are they driven by a connection to who you are, what is important to you and what is yours to bring to the world?

Create your own personal statement with which to assist in navigating the decisions in your life.

Understand and learn to engage the spiritual laws ever available to you to create a life fully lived. Live your unique expression in the world.

Living From Your YES – Part 2
Focused on releasing old patterns of thought and behavior that limit the flow of good in your life. Part 2 of Living From Your YES will concentrate on making significant shifts in your life regarding Money and Relationships.

Do your finances have room for improvement? Could your relationships be more fulfilling and harmonious? Ever thought about the connection between your love life and your bank account? Both of these areas are huge indicators of the level of good you have allowed yourself to accept up until now. Learn to increase your capacity for good by utilizing the spiritual laws of the universe. “There is a power for good in the Universe and you can use it.” Dr. Ernest Holmes

It’s your time to “use it” and create a life where you thrive, not just survive. You deserve it!