Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Home for the summer

We were so delighted with our first Sunday Celebration at the Royal Anne Hotel that we have decided to stay for the whole summer. Come and enjoy this beautiful space. It is warm and inviting. It is newly renovated and beautiful. It is the perfect summer home for the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna Sunday celebrations.

We are keeping it simple all summer long. Our celebration starts at 10:30 am and we will be back out enjoying the sunshine at 11:30 am. 

Please join us. We would love to see you!!

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

We are on the move this summer

You may have heard that we are vacating the Kelowna Community Theatre for the summer. We will still be holding our Sunday Celebration each week. We will have the opportunity to try on some different venues for size. Please stay tuned to our newsletter and our What's Happening page to find out where we are each week.

Sunday July 9th the service will be held at 10:30 am the Royal Anne Hotel at 348 Bernard Avenue in downtown Kelowna.

Find out more about our summer adventure and this opportunity for us to grow together in community into our next great expression.