Thursday, 27 November 2014

What We're About - Dr Kenn Gordon


Did you miss this week's talk? This is a great one!

Dr. Kenn gives some great background about Centers for Spiritual Living as a whole. He talks about the beliefs and values inherent in the Science of Mind teaching. Dr. Kenn outlines the global vision of Centers for Spiritual Living.

If you are new to the Centre, if you don't know much about the principles of this organization, or if you just want a reminder about the values and vision of this organization then this is a great video to watch.

Grab yourself a warm cup of tea and enjoy this fascinating 30 minute talk.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Synchronicity, Synergy, and Serendipity

Synchronicity, Synergy, and Serendipity (part 2)

This time, let’s look at the second word in our suggested means on communication with Spirit.

Synergy:  The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.
              American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

Synergy is often demonstrated in pharmacy, when two or more substances are administered together to enhance the beneficial effects of a medication. In business, a planner or executive, who could fail on his own due to his personal limitations, joins with a solid production specialist and sales/marketing whiz to form a highly successful venture. Each person individually is limited but together they become a super achieving company. One plus one equals lots.

In matters of spirit and spiritual growth, synergy is a very important factor. As you grow in sensitivity, you will find moments when a seemingly insignificant act produces an energy flow that will delight and amaze you. The otherwise random events and things in your environment have aligned with your small effort to produce synergistic effect.

You may find synergy in a group of like-minded people. Because of the negative contents of our subconscious, we often fail to realize our own potential when faced with a new challenging opportunity. At times like this we can use supportive synergistic friends, who can know for us that we are equal to the task. With their support and confidence, we can be strengthened to reach beyond our normal expectations. Many teachers and seminar leaders promote special bonding under various names: prayer circles, networking, “Master-mind” groups etc. I call these “NAG groups”: Networking to Achieve Goals.

The experience of working with a supportive prayer group is something special. The strength gained by having others believe in you and your right to achieve your goal, is amazing. Here is one place where you can be sure that “miracles” happen. Not only does a group acting in unity nullify personal negativity, but it draws a special boost of spiritual energy. In the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, verses 19 and 20, Jesus is quoted as saying; “If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them as my Father which is in heaven. For when two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” This spiritual principle states that if two or more are united in belief and intention toward a commonly desired goal, compatible with the spiritual criteria that it is in the best interest of all concerned and harms no one, there is a boost in power that can overturn apparent limitations of material law.

And be aware that there are people in your lives, organized or not, who are sufficiently positive in their faith in you that they will gladly perform the role of your unquestioning supporter. God bless friends like these. We all have them. I believe that spirit works to bring synergistic forces into our lives like friends, even casual acquaintances, people of like mind and intention, and situations that bring out the best in us. Granted, some of the situations and confrontations may appear to be stressful, fear provoking challenges. Growth sometimes demands this, and so spirit provides. (“Perhaps too often,” we may be tempted to suggest). Hopefully in hindsight, we will see the gained ability or wisdom that these “best-worst” happenings have brought us.

John Bell

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Abundant Health Group

Abundant Health group enjoying food together

Sandra Butler, our resident nutritionist and raw foodie, is hosting another Abundant Health Group dinner. Join her and many others for a healthy and delicious meal of vegan raw food on NOVEMBER 25th at 6:00 pm at the Pandosy Peace Centre (2490 Pandosy Street).

Please come and invite a friend or two to join you.  Bring a vegan or raw food dish for the pot luck and your own plates and utensils.  And, bring your appetite because the food is always awesome and I’m sure this month will be no exception. 

If you haven't attended one of these fun events yet, maybe this is the month to try it out. We have such a good time! 

Don’t let the words vegan or raw food scare you away – just bring a big salad and you have that covered.  Of course, other more elaborate dishes along with the recipe are most welcome.  Let’s get creative!  Thanks to all the faithful attendees! 

To find out more about Sandra Butler and the nutritional support she offers visit her website

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Connection, Community, Collaboration

Connection, Community, Collaboration
Today was definitely a day of connection and community. We came together for our town hall 'Community Conversation' to discuss the values survey that was done over the summer. There were about 50 of us who gathered at the peace centre.

The first thing that stood out for me was how many people care deeply about the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. I was delighted with the turnout and the level of engagement in the room. The discussion was lively and it was apparent that people are committed to this community.

Derek presented an overview of the survey results. You can see the presentation here. It might be a little confusing without his explanation but basically the survey tells us that as a community we value accountability, love, compassion, and education. We want to see our community develop by fostering continuous improvement, further accountability, open communication, and community collaboration.

We discussed as a large group what this means to us. There were some great ideas shared. One was that people want our community to be a safe place where they feel comfortable to be vulnerable as they grow spiritually. There was also discussion that we need our values to be apparent in our community, not just in what we say, but also in who we are and how we connect with each other. Someone suggested that not only does the community have a responsibility and commitment to its membership but also each member has a commitment to the community. It became clear that some of our newer members are not familiar with our Organizational Design Model and our principles. This is an area of opportunity for our future town hall meetings.

We broke into small groups to delve deeper into a discussion about what accountability means as one of our most important values. We had some juicy discussion in my small group. We talked about the fact that as we are all quite independent thinkers our accountability stems from a commitment to our own spiritual growth rather than from a place of guilt or sense of duty. I shared that sometimes I get so wrapped up in continuous improvement that sometimes I can lose sight of being present and connecting with the other members in community on a Sunday morning.

Each small group submitted some notes from their discussions. The board will bring forward this feedback as an important part of the strategic plan.

If you were not able to be there, please share your thoughts and ideas with the community. What does accountability mean to you? How can the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna be more accountable to the principles we espouse? How can you be more accountable to your own spiritual growth and to the community as a whole? Please share your ideas. You can comment on this link on facebook, send a comment through the website, or email Dr. Deborah at revgord @

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Remembrance Day from a Pacifist's Perspective

Remembrance Day from a Pacifist's Perspective
Remembrance Day has been a very uncomfortable holiday for me for many years. It is a day where I tend to lie low and avoid leaving the house. While I have chosen not to observe the ceremonies I also have not wanted to be disrespectful to the many who do use this day as a day of remembrance.

As a young child I was very proud to attend Remembrance Day ceremonies. Both of my grandfathers had served in the British armed forces in the 2nd world war. I felt proud to be British. I felt proud to be Canadian. I felt proud of my grandfathers.

In my teens or early 20’s – I am not exactly sure when  – my values of pacifism grew and as a result the idea of Remembrance Day grew more difficult for me.

Now I want to be clear, this was in no way because I had lost respect for the people who stepped up to serve their country in a selfless way. It is because along with honouring fallen soldiers came the flood of sadness about the existence of war for me. I couldn’t separate the two in my own mind. This was not apathy on my part, but instead it was an irreconcilable dichotomy in my mind and in my heart. In the end it was easier for me to just avoid the whole thing.

I have such a deep longing for peace on the planet that it is a palpable feeling in my chest. I am desperate for people all over the world to be able to leave their houses feeling safe to enjoy the beauty of life without the fears and devastation of war. I have the first two lines prayer of St. Francis tattooed to my left ankle – “Make me an instrument of peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love” – so that should give you some perspective on how deeply rooted this value of peace is for me.

Five years ago I began a relationship with a wonderful man.  Just as our relationship was starting he lost his father. These two events will be forever intertwined in our lives for a number of reasons. My partner Derek’s father had been a prisoner of war at the end of the 2nd world war and Remembrance Day was a very big deal to him and his family. If things hadn’t been awkward for me before, they sure were now.

For the first few years, I made excuses and hummed and hawed when the question came up about whether I would be attending the Remembrance Day service. It was uncomfortable but it just became one of those things we didn’t talk much about and we just went off and did our own thing on November 11th.

After many years of studying new thought principle though, I am well aware that my resistance to Remembrance Day is in no way going to bring about the peace in the world that I so desire. I recognize that it is a copout for me not wanting to face the emotional pain that accompanies this day for me.  In fact with all of the energy I have wrapped up around this it could be said that I am indirectly contributing my energy to the very thing I am trying to avoid. After all, energy is energy – and I clearly have a lot of energy around this issue.

On my spiritual journey and I am currently exploring non-resistance. This means that I am making my best effort to welcome everything into my life recognizing that it serves my highest good in some way or other. I try not to label things as good or bad, but just to recognize them as a part of my experience in the moment. I also try not to cling to things in my life recognizing the impermanence of everything. This is no easy feat and despite a whole lot of meditation and mindfulness it is something I fail at regularly.

In my focus of non-resistance, I have approached Remembrance Day differently this year. I didn’t have the impending panic (for the most part) as November 11th approached and Derek and I even discussed that I might attend the service this year.

The morning did not end up unfolding that way though and I am a little embarrassed to admit that I was walking through the mall at 11 am. The only way I knew it was 11 was because “The Last Post” started playing over the PA system.

What happened next was quite profound. An elderly man sitting on one of the chairs stood up and took off his hat. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stood still. During the two minutes of silence you could have heard a pin drop throughout the very busy mall. I was quite emotional as I stood there next to my very patriotic historian son (who has been wearing his own personally customized poppy for weeks).

In that moment, I was proud to be British. I was proud to be Canadian. And I was able to separate my respect and honour for those who have given their lives to protect the rights and freedom of the rest of us. And this time there was no underlying dichotomy. I was non-resistant to life. I was at peace.

Amanda Pope

Saturday, 8 November 2014


Join us for this great community event. Tom's Jam Night is a great opportunity to connect with other CSLK friends and members in a laid back and fun atmosphere.

This group has just one purpose - to share the joy of music. You don't need any musical experience. If you have ever had fun sitting around a campfire singing well known songs then you will love this.

Bring an instrument if you have one, otherwise just show up at the Pandosy Peace Centre at 7pm and prepared to have a great time.

If you are new to the Centre this is a really good way to meet some people in a relaxed and fun environment. Everyone is welcome!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Watch Dr. Kenn's 5 Illusions Talk

This was a great talk. What do you believe about aging? Is it an illusion? Find out more about illusions we have in all areas of our lives.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Synchronicity, Synergy, and Serendipity

Synchronicity, Synergy, and Serendipity

How do we get answers from God, spiritual guidance or our “higher self”?  How can we feel or sense the spiritual in our lives? The answers to these questions may be in the three “S” words the title.  Of course they represent only three of the myriad ways that we may recognize our “Truths”.  For this article, let’s investigate “synchronicity”.  We’ll look at the other two in subsequent presentations.

Synchronicity:  Coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related, conceived in the theory of Carl Jung as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality.
                                    American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

Carl Jung considered synchronicity to be in the same order of importance as the law of cause and effect.

When an incredible number of related or repetitious incidents occur where one might expect only random variety, that is synchronicity. Perhaps you notice a parked car across the street from your house with the numbers 245 in its license plate. On the way to work you catch bus number 245, and then you realize that the novel that you are reading has 245 pages. As you answer the first phone call of your business day, the caller asks to meet for an appointment at 2:45 pm. That is synchronicity. Do you attach special significance to that appointment? That is up to you. I think I would.

I am sure that we all have heard stories of unexplainable coincidences that occurred as if ordered by some strong fatalistic hand. One of my favorites is about Wolfgang Pauli, a leading pioneer in theoretical quantum physics. Pauli had so many unexplained failures of delicate experimental equipment occur in his presence – electronic apparatus would malfunction when he was near and then seemingly correct itself after he left the scene – that his fellow physicists coined the phrase “the Pauli effect” to humorously describe these temporary failures.

One day he got a letter from a Professor J. Franck, an associate from the town of Gottingen in Germany, telling him that at a certain time on a particular day, there had been an unexplained failure of a delicate apparatus in his experiments. He kidded Pauli that he would only have expected such a failure if he, Pauli, was present. Pauli wrote back that he had been visiting a fellow physicist, Nels Bohr, in Copenhagen and at the time of the incident his returning train had actually been stopped in the Gottingen railroad station only a few kilometers away.

Synchronicity is the basis of all of the “arts of divination” from the turn of the Taro cards, the throw of bones, runes, stick and sand in various cultures and even the ominous telling from the Druid’s inspection of animal or bird’s entrails. I know I stand the risk of losing a few of my readers on that remark, but the very existence and persistence of these forms of fortune telling over thousands of years should pique the interest of an honestly open-minded enquirer.

Carl Jung seemed to think that synchronicity was a manifestation of a principle from a reality beyond that recognized by our physical senses.  If we accept that thought precedes matter, then perhaps it is not too surprising that common threads exist between incidents and material things in our lives. Assuming that our thought patterns emit a certain vibration (for lack of a better term) that impresses upon  “pre-physical substance” that forms our physical experience, then it would only be logical that a strong or prolonged attitude capable of producing a specific result would have harmonic effects on normally insignificant random little things about us. These side effects would then reflect the main manifestation. Hence “coincidental” experiences or synchronicity.

In the book “Synchronicity – Science, Myth and the Trickster” by Allan Coombs and Mark Holland, the authors, observe that “there appears to be a link between synchronicity and meditation: as the meditative state deepens, synchronistic coincidents occur more frequently”. For an explanation, they suggest that meditation is a neurologically balanced state. They say that EEG patterns during meditation show a balancing of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Not only do the EEGs from the two sides of the brain become similar in frequency, but also there appears to be a correlation of the waves, as if they reflect each other and perhaps produce an amplified transmitter that more strongly affects our observed reality.

A teacher and dear friend of mine used to say, “There is nothing that God cannot use to communicate with us.” And so we find our answers to our meditative questions in billboards, the appearance of birds or animals, chance words from waiters and shopkeepers or evening dialogue from very bad movies on TV. The trick is, of course, to be open and observant, and ready to say to yourself “Aha, there is my answer!”

Try it yourself.  When in doubt of your next step in dealing with a present-time situation (opportunity?) explore your choices and then let go entirely.  Proceed with your day with a light heart while staying alert to your surroundings.  Let go and let God.  Be prepared to accept from any event or media.

John Bell